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Note that most people move between May and September, so you’ll want to book your movers at least four weeks ahead of time. The earlier you book, the more likely you are to get the day and time that works best for you, and the more likely you are to get an experienced crew. Should you reach the informed decision to pay movers to pack up all your belongings or only some of them, the convenience of having those experienced professionals complete the most demanding and time-consuming task in anyone’s moving calendar will come with an added cost. We’ll take a look at some example packing costs later on, but first, let’s say a few words about the price factors that will determine how much professional packers charge for their job. Movers offer a variety of extra services to make your move as easy as possible. For instance, it can take you weeks to pack your boxes so some movers offer this service at an additional cost. To save time and stress, you might want to add one or more of these services to your moving package: